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Quiz 3.3

Chapter 3 - Day 11

Students Struggled With...
  • Being able to give a treatment when there were more than one factor involved. Some students were not sure how to mix the options together to form various treatments.

  • Explaining why a randomized block design would be better than a completely randomized design. Responses to this type of question were often very "textbook" style and did not get the context of the question involved or the idea that we are looking to reduce the variability from this other variable to make it easier to distinguish significant results. 

  • Describing how a confounding variable has a relationship to both the explanatory and the response variable. Students often only connected the confounding variable to either the explanatory or response variable, but not both. 

  • When teaching the lessons about SAT prep, have the students come up with another factor. Ask the students what possible treatments could now be formed.

  • When looking at the Juniors and Senior randomized block design, relate this to the decrease in variability we experience by stratifying.

  • For each confounding variable brought up in class during a lesson, always ask the class why it is connected to the explanatory variable and why it is connected to the response variable. 

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