Math Medic EFFL 101 Workshops
Math Medic offers both online and in-person workshops that empower teachers with the resources and strategies needed to lead student-centered classrooms. In the EFFL 101 workshop, we will answer the following questions:
What does an EFFL lesson look like in a typical high school math classroom?
How can we use questioning to help students make connections between previous learning and new content?
What are the best strategies to get students discussing and working collaboratively?
All upcoming workshops are listed below. We hope to see you there!
In-person Chicago April 22, 2023
In-person New York City May 6, 2023
In-person Houston May 13, 2023
In-person Atlanta May 20, 2023
Online Early Summer - June 6-7, 2023
Online Late Summer - July 31 - August 1, 2023