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Significance Test for a Proportion: Day 2

Chapter 8 - Day 5 - Lesson 8.4

Learning Targets
  • Use the four-step process to perform a one-sided significance test about a population proportion.  

  • Calculate the P-value for a two-sided significance test about a population proportion using Table A or technology.

  • Use the four-step process to perform a two-sided significance test about a population proportion.  

Activity: Can you taste the rainbow?
Answer Key:

Today you will need Skittles candy.  We had a shortened class period today so we reviewed the four-step process from yesterday.  We decided to see if students “can taste the rainbow”!  What we mean by this is can they tell the difference between the flavors of the different colors of Skittles? It is actually much harder than you would expect.

Begin the class by trying this in front of the class.  Close your eyes and show the class the color of a random Skittle.  Then eat the Skittle and try to guess what color it was.  If you get it right, really play it up.  If you get it wrong, students will buy in that it’s harder than thought.  Do this a couple of times and then talk through the activity.

  • Null hypothesis: Students cannot taste the rainbow, p = 0.20.

  • Alternative hypothesis: Students can taste the rainbox, p > 0.20.


Give each student a few skittles.  They should show their partner the color of the Skittle then eat it and try to guess the color.  When everyone in the group is done they should report how many times they guessed the color correctly.  You need a sample size of at least 50 for the class in order to pass the Large Counts condition.  Once all the data is collected, the groups will complete the remainder of the problem by completing a four-step significance test to see if they can taste the rainbow!  This is good review of what they learned yesterday.

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